
Showing posts from July, 2017

TPN software

Tailored Precision Nutrition is the best in innovative software that is fast, easy, and very effective.  TPN benefits many facilities and populations including nutritionists, dieticians, fitness, wellness, bariatric, and other medical facilities by reducing hours of programming into minutes. Cardiovascular, nutrition, and meal plans are developed to achieve the exact goals of the client. The T means we present cutting edge technology that is tailored to the needs of the clients from bodybuilders or elite athletes to cardiac rehab patients and everyone in between. The P stands for precision because our programs will reach a specific goal, weight, or body fat in a specified time frame. How many programs can claim that if a person is at fifteen percent body fat and wants to be nine that it can achieve this exactly in a specified time frame? This has been accomplished countless times and now TPN presents this ability to all facilities. N says nutrition software on a cloud to be us...

Burning fat

Eating certain foods, water with lemon, lifting weights for the most part, or running sprints do not burn fat. Any of these may burn calories or create a caloric deficit, but do not necessarily burn fat.  Burning fat is dependent on reaching and maintaining a target heart rate for an extended time. There are three energy systems that allow for muscle contraction. These energy systems are ATP-PC, anaerobic glycolysis, and aerobic metabolism. Fat burning takes place during aerobic metabolism which happens at sixty to eighty percent of age predicted max heart rate (APMHR) or determined by an annual stress test as well as individual risk factors for disease and fifty to seventy percent of VO2 max. Below this heart rate and vo2 range, the person is not burning much and above this heart rate or vo2 the individual is burning good stuff such as glycogen stores and lean body mass. Burning body fat does take some effort. The fat burning zone is not overly hard or intense exercise, but ...

Dietary fiber

Soluble and insoluble fiber are found in many foods and often together. There has been quite the debate regarding dietary fiber. Some propose that it is desirable to subtract dietary fiber from the carbohydrate count. Soluble fiber generally slows motility through the gastrodigestive tract and allows for maximum absorption.  Insoluble fiber can speed things through and aid the digestive tract in promoting regularity. Both soluble and insoluble fiber are beneficial to a healthy diet. Carbohydrates yield a unit of energy known as calories. The body’s homeostatic mechanisms in healthy digestion absorbs the maximum carbohydrates or amount needed.  For this reason, gross carbohydrate counts work best for weight loss programs than “net” carbohydrates. Realize that some food is low on the glycemic index scale.  An orange for example is low on the glycemic index scale and contains pectin and amylopectin some of which will not be digested well but still yield the approximate c...


Fat is a basically a glycerol molecule with fatty- acid chains added. These fatty-acid chains can be saturated with hydrogens or not. This means that all carbons in the fatty-acid chain have all the hydrogen atoms possible. A fatty acid is not saturated has carbons with double bonds. Polyunsaturated fatty-acids can have many double bonds. Monounsaturated fatty-acids have a single double bond. These fatty-acids effect blood cholesterols in a different manner. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) is often called the “bad” cholesterol and vary often may contribute to heart disease.  High density lipoprotein is considered the “good” cholesterol.  The ratio of total cholesterol to HDL is used to assess risk of chronic disease. A ratio over five is considered undesirable. Saturated fatty-acids boost LDL levels. Polyunsaturated fatty-acids lower both LDL and HDL levels. Monounsaturated fats reduce LDL and total cholesterol while increasing HDL levels. Saturated fats are present in...

TPN questions 2

What makes this program better than the rest? Everyone can reach a goal weight or body fat and maintain it.  TPN is tailored.   The categories designed make programs tailored to very specific needs of the client. TPN is precise.   It allows the clients to achieve a very targeted body weight or fat percentage. Many programs are far from tailored and far from healthy.  Many systems are nothing more than a lesson in portion control. A retired former professional football player should not be selecting from the same meals and eating the same number as his female counterpart.  He lost 32 pounds, but still looks quite round.  Did he lose muscle or fat? I know these two people should not be using the same caloric breakdown.  "The meals show up at the door and I eat them “Sounds awful.  Who wants to eat like that?    TPN provides numerous meal plans. We believe in eating fresh, less processed food as possible. We wish to empower people to a...


One afternoon, I had my face plastered against a computer screen to view information for I see very poorly. I had already completed a cardiovascular plan and a nutritional breakdown. I was writing out meal plans and using Nutrigenie as my database. I used this and two other types of nutrition software with a little frustration. At this point, Dr. Sass who I had given a plan before walked into the gym and said “I need a program that does what you do. “TPN was now born, but needed much nurturing. My intention was to make the sometimes-tedious process of meal development vary easy. Our website allows access to our server.  This server has many nutrition programs with one program that lets the user enter the percentages of macronutrients. Essentially all theories on nutrition may be used with the ability to create hundreds of meal plans in seconds. The meal plans may be edited by refreshing a day, a single meal, or an item. Any item can be deleted if desired....


There are three keys to healthy nutrition programs.  These determine the effect the food that an individual consumes has on his or her body and physiological processes.  Healthy weight loss and gain without the loss of lean body mass and not speed should always be the goal.  Losing more than two and a half pounds per week equates to muscle loss per ACSM. The first key to healthy programs is to establish an appropriate, healthy daily caloric intake.  The number of calories consumed per day over time will determine the individual’s weight.  For this reason, a suitable daily caloric intake is very important. The second key to healthy, and tailored nutrition programs is to use the appropriate percentages of macronutrients for reaching individual goals and needs.  The percentages used determine how the body is sculpted.  For example, bodybuilders will sculpt their bodies by using moderate carbohydrates to provide enough energy to burn body fat and high...