Frequently asked questions:

How do I choose the best program for me?

People who are currently sedentary should choose the weight loss program, this program will provide a perfectly balanced diet to boost metabolism.  People that exercise two or more times per week should choose the active weight loss or sports performance program. The bodybuilding program is for contest preparation only and should last approximately twelve weeks or less generally. The weight gain is for the person who cannot gain weight to promote lean body mass gains. The diabetic programs serve obvious needs. Please visit tpnbodyperfect.com for more details.

How long will it take to get results?

The goal of TPN is healthy weight loss or gain. Healthy weight loss is done at two and a half to three pounds per week. Tpnbodyperfect.com to view our demo.

What is the most important meal of the day?

The one you have after training. This meal should have a combination of protein and carbohydrate which should be consumed as close to the workout as possible and within a half an hour at the most. Meal replacement shakes after a workout will work, but real food is better.  This meal switches the body from "cortisol mode” which liberates sugar into the blood for transport to the working muscles to "insulin mode" which promotes muscle and has proven to reduce abdominal fat. Please visit tpnbodyperfect.com and view our quick demonstration.

How does TPN work?

TPN is very simple to use. Client information is entered.   The user must choose whether to use age predicted max heart rate (apmhr) or not and whether to use a body fat measurement or not. Anyone who is considered apparently healthy should use apmhr for target heart rate.  If a client is under treatment of a cardiologist and/or taking cardiac related medication will select no to using apmhr. The results of the client's last stress test will be the basis of target heart rate. The program will need max and resting heart rate as well as VO2 max. The use of a body fat measurement or not will determine the daily caloric intake.   The client can use a current and desired bodyfat or an uncalculated desired body weight to determine a daily caloric intake.  Once the daily caloric intake is established, the user must select a program in the suite of programs desired.   The program chosen determines the percentages of macronutrients desired by the user.   The daily breakdown of protein, carbohydrates, and fat is expressed in grams. The breakdown per meal is determined. The user requests the total number of meals . The program then pulls meals from an extensive database in exact amounts to meet the individual nutrition goals. The whole process takes a few minutes. Please visit tpnbodyperfect.com and view our quick demonstration. Eat smart.

What makes this program better than the rest?

Everyone can reach a goal weight or body fat and maintain it.  TPN is tailored.   The categories designed make programs tailored to very specific needs of the client. TPN is precise.   It allows the clients to achieve a very targeted body weight or fat percentage. Many programs are far from tailored and far from healthy.  Many systems are nothing more than a lesson in portion control. A retired former professional football player should not be selecting from the same meals and eating the same number as his female counterpart.  He lost 32 pounds, but still looks quite round.  Did he lose muscle or fat? I know these two people should not be using the same caloric breakdown.  "The meals show up at the door and I eat them “Sounds awful.  Who wants to eat like that?    TPN provides numerous meal plans. We believe in eating fresh, less processed food as possible. We wish to empower people to a lifetime of nutrition management.  The goal is not just to reach a certain goal, but to supply the meal plans to maintain it.  TPN is a series of software programs that provide tailored meal and cardiovascular plans in minutes.  We invite you to try TPN and share in all the benefits TPN will deliver. Please visit tpnbodyperfect.com and view our quick demonstration. Eat smart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hb4cdh5XAeg&t=3s


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