
Showing posts from August, 2017

Body fat and BMI

TPN has always promoted that the best way to calculate daily caloric intake is by using a current measurement and desired body fat. It can also be done by using a desired bodyweight. The purpose here is to briefly explain healthy body fat measurements and body mass index or BMI. Maintaining an adequate body fat percentage is important for overall health. A body fat over twenty-five for a male and thirty for a female is considered obese and may be unhealthy or lead to chronic disease. This is a general statement and certainly some people can live with a high percentage of body fat and still be reasonably healthy.  Others can be very lean and can be quite unhealthy, so there are exceptions. In general, people over these body fat percentages for long periods of time may experience chronic disease or medical issues. Body fat percentages that are too low for an extended period can also be unhealthy. Body fat under seven for a male and twelve for a female is generally considered...

Caloric intake vs. Caloric expenditure

For decades, the dietary recommendations to combat heart disease was high carbohydrates, low protein, and minimal fat. This approach has contributed to an incredible number of Americans having obesity, diabetes, and other chronic disease. Most healthcare professionals and health enthusiasts are starting to realize this high carbohydrate prescription is probably not the greatest idea. Many throw out the terms glycemic index and carbohydrate count to simplify dietary recommendations. Some say that if you eat too many carbohydrates or the wrong carbohydrates a person will become obese. For the most part this is true, but many seem to believe that carbohydrate count and especially glycemic index is the only parameter that matters. Many say do not eat any processed carbohydrates. Obviously, the less processed our food the better it is for you. It is important to consume carbohydrates that are not significantly processed and lower on the glycemic index scale if someone wishes to lose we...


Ketone bodies are three water soluble molecules that are produced by the liver during times of fasting, carbohydrate restrictive diets, starvation, prolonged intense exercise, or inadequately treated type 1 diabetes. Ketone bodies are manufactured by the liver when too much protein is being used for energy. The dangers of ketone formation are that ketones are toxic to the brain and central nervous system function. Ketone presence in large enough quantities for prolonged periods of time in extreme cases may cause death. Ketone and keto-acidosis are terms that describe this condition. When there is an absence of sufficient glucose in the bloodstream the liver will provide enzymes that attack amino acids in the blood and convert them to the usable energy source glucose.  There is resulting toxin ammonia that the liver must degrade to urea toxin for excretion. This process is taxing on the liver. In the event, there is still not enough energy for activities the liver release other...


Fiber is generally complex carbohydrates the body cannot be completely digested or absorbed. There is soluble and insoluble fiber.  Soluble fiber slows motility through the gastrointestinal tract helping satiety or making an individual fill full. Insoluble fiber is beneficial in digestive health and promotes regularity. The daily fiber needs of men and women vary and change as people get older. At age fifty or younger, women require approximately twenty-five grams and men thirty-eight grams per day.  The American Heart Association says that diets high in complex carbohydrates can reduce the risk of obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, and other chronic disease. Raising daily fiber intake should be done gradually to avoid any adverse digestive effects such as diarrhea. There are many foods that are good sources of fiber. Many fresh fruits contain fiber, but some are better than others. Asian pears are very high in fiber, Other high fiber fruits are raspberries, blackb...

Custom program

The custom program gives the user the ability to develop meal plans based on whatever nutrient parameters desired. This program uses specific percentages of nutrients established by the needs of the user or client. The custom program features the ability to use macronutrients and parameters of any current program whether effective or not and produce a protocol on the spot. The user can accommodate any breakdown desired and establish many meal plans to achieve the protocol. Tpnbodyperfect provides this feature making it very innovative and encompassing any theories on nutrition. The user can enter any percentages of macronutrients the person desires and our software develops the meal plans.

Diabetic program

The diabetic program is designed for weight loss, blood sugar stability, and insulin level reduction for both type 1 and type 2 diabetics. The program uses glycemic index as a tool to help avoid extreme insulin release due to large blood sugar spikes. The goal is to promote weight loss which is often difficult for diabetics. The diabetic plan uses equal amounts of protein and carbohydrates. This is very close to the balanced diet mentioned to turn on metabolism, avoid hypoglycemia, stabilize sugars, and lower insulin levels whether natural or synthetic. The fat content used is tailored for diabetics using less than 10 grams of saturated fat per day because diabetics are more prone to heart disease. The custom program is offered also because theories of diabetic treatment are diverse. This way a physician or diabetic educator can get benefit from the program using whatever treatment protocol is desired.

Weight gain program

The weight gain program is for people who cannot put on a pound. It uses lower protein with much higher carbohydrates and fat to provide energy for an extreme ectomorph to use amino acids for muscle hypertrophy. Some people wishing to engage in sports or activities requiring size and strength will benefit from this program. Many individuals with very fast metabolisms can use the glycemic index and insulin response, but in an entirely different manner. If you are struggling to put on pounds, this is the program for you.

Weight loss program

 The weight loss program is for individuals who are currently exercising little or not at all. We encourage people to exercise because fat does not burn efficiently without activity. Many clients reach goals even with limited activity because the program if strictly followed will provide the calories, glycemic index, and insulin response that makes and sustains a certain weight. Given a well designed program, the body will reach and maintain a weight that the given substrates will allow and support. TPN encourages activity for efficient weight loss and to promote overall health. This program uses a perfectly balanced diet to turn on metabolism and promote healthy weight loss.

Active person weight loss program

 The active weight loss program is for people who are already exercising in some manner two or more days per week. The program uses slightly elevated protein than a perfectly balanced diet to provide a positive nitrogen balance for maintaining lean body mass, but not high enough that the dehydration effect of deamination is established. The moderate amount of carbohydrates with adequate glycemic index and insulin response allows the client to maintain muscle, burn body fat efficiently and provide energy for moderate to intense physical activity.

Carbohydrate count

Other programs that do not work well prescribe excessive carbohydrates. For twenty years with great results, forty percent carbohydrates have been used for weight gain.   This is the lowest percent carbohydrates used by other programs. With forty to sixty percent carbs, clients engage in poor, ineffective diet programs. For example, if a man wants to reach a goal of two hundred pounds, he is prescribed between 260 to 390 grams of carbs per day in a weight loss attempt.  This is excessive, ineffective, and ridiculous.                 TPN uses the appropriate amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, and sodium for efficient, healthy programs to reach exact nutrition goals and maintain them.  The programs use nutrient percentages, caloric intake, caloric expenditure, glycemic index, and insulin response for maximum results. Glycemic index is a tool for well-designed nutrition, but not th...

Bodybuilding program

Bodybuilding programs use high protein, low to moderate carbohydrates, and low fat. The protein is energetically favorable because it requires energy to process it during the process of deamination. This process also benefits the competitor because of the dehydration effect allowing him or her to naturally shed water throughout the allotted preparation time. Low to moderate carbohydrate is necessary to provide just enough energy to burn body fat. Very low or no carbohydrates does not efficiently burn fat and the person will sacrifice and metabolize muscle to provide energy. A certain amount of energy through carbs is necessary to burn body fat. Tailored Precision Nutrition (TPN) provides a perfect balance to hold every ounce of muscle as well as burn fat and shed water to provide the best physique for the competitor that his or her genetics will allow.


Inflammation is associated with most diseases that plague society including arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and bowel disease. Consuming foods with an anti-inflammatory effect can alleviate symptoms of these diseases and may cure them. For this reason, anti-inflammatory foods can have a profound effect on overall health.                 Inflammation is a bodily response to being ill or injured. The immune system responds with white blood cell production and increased blood flow to the area. Inflammation is characterized by swelling, redness, heat, and pain or discomfort. In a healthy person, inflammation is a normal response that facilitates healing. Sometimes the immune system may over react and start attacking healthy tissues resulting in autoimmune disorders such as leaky gut, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, celiac, and irritable bowel disease. Not all inflammatory respon...

Basic muscle contraction

Muscles shorten or contract to move the skeleton. The origin of the muscle is where it begins and the insertion is where it attaches. The insertion moves toward the origin during contraction. A muscle has a connective tissue covering called the epimysium. A little deeper are bundles of muscle fiber called fasciculi which are covered by perimysium. Each individual muscle fiber has a covering called the endomysium. Muscle fibers ability to contract is due to the sliding filament theory. The smallest functional contractile unit of a muscle fiber is called a sarcomere. Sarcomeres contain myofibrils which are composed of the filaments actin and myosin. Actin is the thin filament and myosin is the thick filament. A nerve fires which depolarizes the muscle fiber. The sarcomere has a significant influx of calcium which move the troponin-tropomyosin complex away from the actin binding site. The myosin filament binds the actin binding site giving the myosin head ATPase ability. The breakin...

Oxygen consumption and caloric expenditure

Exercise testing is done on treadmills, cycles, and arm ergometers. For all these testing modalities, there are metabolic equations that determine oxygen consumption and caloric expenditure. The equation for walking on a motor driven treadmill is .1 (m/min.) +( 1.8 x m/min. x % grade) + 3.5 with the result being in the units of ml/kg/min. The equation for running on a motor driven treadmill is .2(m/min.) +( .9 x m/min. x % grade) + 3.5. There is a horizontal, vertical, and resting component. The first part of the equation is the horizontal or speed. The grade is the vertical component with the first number representing the foot drag, the second is meters per minute, and last is percent grade. The foot drag decreases when someone runs because of the short flight component. Meters per minute is the product of 26.8 and mile per hour. A two-hundred-pound man walks at 3.6 mph at a ten percent grade for twenty-five minutes.  Use the walking equation and multiply 26.8 by 3.6 mph for the ...

Eating for health

The human body is always attempting to maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis literally means equilibrium or balance. The human body needs to maintain reasonably strict physiological parameters to maximize health. For this reason, abnormal caloric or nutrient restriction or over consumption used by many fad diets to shock the body may have an adverse effect on metabolism. A desired weight or body fat and goals are used to determine daily caloric and nutrient intake as well as meal plans necessary to meet individual needs.  Several small meals eaten throughout the day yields best results for boosting metabolism and overall health.

Exercise testing

Exercise testing is done to assess cardiac dynamics and aerobic capacity . The primary way people are exercise tested in the U.S. is on a treadmill using the Bruce protocol. Generally, cardiac compromised patients do not possess the ability to run for very long or at all for many reasons. Therefore, Dr. Bruce decided to use a walking speed for the protocol .  For this reason, he was forced to use an excessive hill to create the workload. The initial grade is ten percent and goes to sixteen. When engineering roads I have been told on several occasions the maximum grade is seven percent. I am not sure if that is true, but this grade, lack of musculature, and dorsi flexion of the foot contribute to excessive lactic acid accumulation making the protocol very difficult . Heart rate and blood pressure are elevated many times by orthopedic pain or stress as well as fear of falling rather than cardiac demand. We could most likely scare someone badly enough for them to reach maximum l...


Frequently asked questions: How do I choose the best program for me? People who are currently sedentary should choose the weight loss program, this program will provide a perfectly balanced diet to boost metabolism.  People that exercise two or more times per week should choose the active weight loss or sports performance program. The bodybuilding program is for contest preparation only and should last approximately twelve weeks or less generally. The weight gain is for the person who cannot gain weight to promote lean body mass gains. The diabetic programs serve obvious needs. Please visit for more details. How long will it take to get results? The goal of TPN is healthy weight loss or gain. Healthy weight loss is done at two and a half to three pounds per week. to view our demo. What is the most important meal of the day? The one you have after training. This meal should have a combination of protein and carbohydrat...

Burning fat

Eating certain foods, water with lemon, lifting weights for the most part, or running sprints do not burn fat. Any of these may burn calories or create a caloric deficit, but do not necessarily burn fat.  Burning fat is dependent on reaching and maintaining a target heart rate for an extended time. There are three energy systems that allow for muscle contraction. These energy systems are ATP-PC, anaerobic glycolysis, and aerobic metabolism. Fat burning takes place during aerobic metabolism which happens at sixty to eighty percent of age predicted max heart rate (APMHR) or determined by an annual stress test as well as individual risk factors for disease and fifty to seventy percent of VO2 max. Below this heart rate and vo2 range, the person is not burning much and above this heart rate or vo2 the individual is burning good stuff such as glycogen stores and lean body mass. Burning body fat does take some effort. The fat burning zone is not overly hard or intense exercise, but ...


Amino acids all have a similar structure.  They contain a central carbon with a carboxylic acid group, amino group, hydrogen and an R group which specifies the name of the amino acid. There are eleven non-essential and nine essential amino acids. Non-essential amino acids are produced at a sufficient rate by the body to meet its needs. Essential amino acids must be consumed in proper amounts to meet homeostatic needs. A complete protein contains all essential amino acids. A peptide bond is formed by a condensation reaction between the carboxylic acid group of one amino acid and the amino group of another. There are peptides, polypeptides, and proteins. For proteins to be broken down and absorbed the enzyme must recognize these peptide bonds and create an environment to be absorbed.  For this reason, free form amino acids are usually not absorbed very well or at all. Proteins perform many actions within the body including enzymatic, hormonal, transport, as well as structur...


Percentages of macronutrients consumed by an individual determine how the body is sculpted. TPN uses a balanced diet to boost metabolism in a currently sedentary person.  Cardiovascular exercise is very important for overall health, longevity, and burning body fat. The active weight loss program increases protein slightly to maintain muscle with a positive nitrogen balance.  Bodybuilding and figure contestants increase protein even further for the dehydration effect.  Bodybuilding preparation time should generally last between eight and twelve weeks.  After this time, the competitors should let their body fat be greater than seven for a male and twelve percent for a female to promote normal hormonal and physiological function.  Results can be maintained using the TPN program.  TPN has a “make your own “program which allows the user to enter protein, carbohydrate, and fat percentages desired.  Our system will develop meal plans tailored to the per...


Do you love spicy foods?  I do.  Capsaicin is an active component of chili peppers.  It is generally an irritant to mammals including humans and causes a sensation of burning in any tissue with which it comes into contact. Because of the burning sensation caused by capsaicin when it meets mucous membranes, it is commonly used in food products to promote taste and added spice or “heat” usually found spices such as chili powder and paprika.  People enjoy the heat; therefore, it has long been a demand for capsaicin-spiced products like curry, chili co carne, and hot sauces such as sriracha, tabasco, and salsa. It is common for people to experience pleasurable and even euphoric effects from ingesting capsaicin.          There are many studies indicating that capsaicin may be helpful in treating cancer of many types.  Capsaicin is very useful for preventing and treating diabetes.  Consuming high in this nutrient ha...


Let us start with sugars. The word for sugar is saccharide. “Mono” means one. The monosaccharides are glucose, fructose, and galactose. Glucose will bind with other sugars to form a disaccharide.  Glucose binds with fructose to form sucrose or table sugar. Fructose is the sugar found in fruit. Glucose binds with galactose to form lactose which is milk sugar. Glucose can bind other glucose to form maltose. Maltose get together and before you know it we have dextrins. This progresses to polysaccharides and complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates provide energy for all body processes. All sources of carbohydrates yield four calories per gram. All types carbohydrates may be used for fuel. Glycemic index is the measure of how fast a food item raises blood glucose expressed in milligrams per deciliter. This merely a tool. A baked white potato has a higher glycemic index than a serving of French fries because the fat, grease, and salt makes absorption slower and that is all.  The f...

Calorie count

One of the keys to healthy, effective nutrition programs is establishing an appropriate daily caloric intake. Not using an adequate daily caloric intake may hinder results or possibly permanently damage resting metabolic rate.  Daily caloric intake that provides enough energy to burn body fat or produce lean body mass is very important.  Daily caloric intake over time will determine the weight of the individual.  Processed meals sent to the door and advertised by former football players and singer use one calorie count for females and another for males. These meals are not tailored to any measurements or desired weight. Therefore, they may be very unhealthy for a clear majority of the population. Males are given a calorie count of 1500 calories per day regardless of the size of the person or desired weight loss goal. This calorie count will support approximately one hundred twenty-five pounds of lean body mass.  So, if a man is using this system and has more than...

Body fat measurement

The best way to develop nutritional programs for weight loss is by using a body fat measurement.    By using a body fat measurement, calculations dependent on body density can provide information to reach an exact body fat desired by a client. A body fat is also desirable to determine if a desired bodyweight for an individual is healthy or realistic.  A body fat below seven for a male and twelve for a female is generally considered unhealthy and may compromise normal physiological or hormonal function.  TPN programs will promote weight loss that will allow individuals to reach an exact body fat.  The most precise way to develop nutrition and meal plans is to start with an accurate body fat measurement. Please visit and view our quick demonstration.  Eat smart.

Cancer fighters

There are foods available that are known to remove known carcinogens, reduce tumor swelling, and combat cancer.  These foods contain isothiocynates or ITCs that provide the anti-cancer and carcinogenic effect. ITCs help battle cancer in three ways.   They do not allow carcinogens to be activated, counteract previous effects of carcinogens that have been activated, and speed removal from the body. Isothiocynates have shown to be especially effective infighting esophageal and lung cancer.  Studies also show that risk of other cancers of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tract can be reduced by consuming ITC rich food.   ITCs are found in cruciferous vegetable such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, collard greens, kale, turnips, cabbage, rutabaga, watercress radishes, and horseradish. So, if you like these vegetables, they will have a preventative impact on potential cancer cells and help battle the disease if necessary. Please visit tpnbodyper...


Spices make foods taste great. Let’s face it sometimes the spice is what makes a dish work well or not.  Spices contain phytonutrients, essential oils, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that promote overall health. Some spices that have beneficial effects include bay leaf, black pepper, capers, caraway, cardamom, cayenne pepper, chili peppers, cinnamon, cloves, cocoa beans, cumin, horseradish, jalapeno peppers, mace spice, nutmeg, saffron, turmeric, and wasabi. Spices are beneficial to our diets for many reasons. Spices have plant derived chemical compounds that are known to prevent disease and promote health.  They have anti- inflammatory, anti-flatulent, and carminative properties. Components in spices have been found to have an anti-clotting function aiding in stroke prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Thyme water is known to help sore throats and bronchitis symptoms. Thyme is as used as mouth wash to treat gingivitis. Spices contain minerals such as...