Body fat and BMI
TPN has always promoted that the best way to calculate daily caloric intake is by using a current measurement and desired body fat. It can also be done by using a desired bodyweight. The purpose here is to briefly explain healthy body fat measurements and body mass index or BMI. Maintaining an adequate body fat percentage is important for overall health. A body fat over twenty-five for a male and thirty for a female is considered obese and may be unhealthy or lead to chronic disease. This is a general statement and certainly some people can live with a high percentage of body fat and still be reasonably healthy. Others can be very lean and can be quite unhealthy, so there are exceptions. In general, people over these body fat percentages for long periods of time may experience chronic disease or medical issues. Body fat percentages that are too low for an extended period can also be unhealthy. Body fat under seven for a male and twelve for a female is generally considered...